Sunday, October 17, 2010


Sorry. iv been trying to catch up but having so much fun in vegas that we havent stopped. Disney was amazing. The park was so clean and so much to do and see. We didnt do everything but what we did do was awsome
The people here are great. So happy to help. Might be something to do with wanting a big tip. We are in vegas now and off to grand canyon. Will put more pics up and tell you more about vegas soon. WOW!!! I never thought i would say how much fun we have had and not done this sooner. Always said we didnt care if we went to USA but so glad we did now. All feeling sore though, Soft beds and lots of walking. The parade of disney was great. Just one big party. We have been craving healthy foods and finally found it at disney. The pineapple was the best. But the weirdest thing we see is people just buying big pickles and eating like a ice block. Yuk!!
See ya soon.

Till next time .


  1. GREAT SCOTT !!!!
    That orange hair really suits you, I love it.

  2. hahahahaha..... yeh im surprised he let me take pic.

  3. Hi. Loving all the pics. looks like you are having a great time. Hows the shopping in Vegas better than Rodeo Drive.

  4. We just did a quick visit to rodeo drive. Shopping is awsome. Have more pics to put up . Will do when we get to Monroe tonight on better connection. Just killing time at the airport right now. Miss you .
